Olexiy Nikolaenko Обсуждение начато пользователем Olexiy Nikolaenko 10 года/лет

5 avenues of development and support of web entrepreneurship in Ukraine:


 Finance and taxes

- creation of state fund to provide financing, guarantees and grants for entrepreneurs;

- review and adjustment of Ukrainian legislature towards alternative forms of financing (crowd-funding and alternative/small cap stock exchange platforms);

- creation of tax preferences for investments  in early stage companies;

- review and adjustment of Ukrainian legislation to support option granting to start-up employees and its taxing.



- creation of clusters between business incubators and research centers at universities;

- integration with European and world communities and organizations supporting web entrepreneurship. 


Education and employment

- creation of education programs for web entrepreneurship;

- provide possibility to easily employ required talents from the western world and the CIS region.


Access to data

- review and adjustment of Ukrainian legislature on personal data protection to world-class norms;

- enable possibility to keep databases and data servers anywhere in the world;

- implementation of publicity for government data and statistics.


Forming society opinion

 - creation of positive image for entrepreneurship as a career choice and success in life;

- creation of state position of Chief Digital Officer of Ukraine;

- conduct annual Digital Forum of Ukraine;

- creation of database for best digital practices to encourage sharing.   


Join the Ukrainian Alliance of Web Entrepreneurs on LinkedIn - http://linkd.in/1pdxPek